General : General properties used in most visualizations

# editable

# fullTextMeasureCheck

Full thorough check of variable and sample names when more than the specified number. This is useful for large data sets as canvas has not an efficent maner to measure text
Type: integer
Default: 500

# graphOrientation

Specifies the orientation of one dimensional graphs
Type: string
Default: horizontal
Options: horizontal, vertical

# graphType

Specifies the type of graph
Type: string
Default: Bar
Options: Bar, Line, Area, AreaLine, BarLine, Boxplot, Dotplot, DotLine, Fish, Gantt, Meter, Heatmap, Stacked, StackedLine, StackedPercent, StackedPercentLine, Tree, Treemap, TagCloud, ParallelCoordinates, Sankey, Scatter2D, ScatterBubble2D, Scatter3D, Correlation, Pie, Venn, Network, Genome, Circular

# invertGraph

Flag to invert horizontal one dimensional graphs to plot from right to left
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isCxplot

# isR

Flag to indicate is running from the R library. For developers only
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isReproducibleResearch

Flag to indicate to track user modifications for Reproducible Research. For developers only
Type: boolean
Default: true

# metaData

# overplotPixels

Number of pixels to stack for overplotting. The higher the number the less overplotting. Useful for datasets with large number of variables
Type: integer
Default: 500

# password

# reproduceTime

Time to wait in milliseconds to reproduce user modifications through the UI
Type: integer
Default: 500

# theme

Themes for the plot. This parameter will overwrite colors, background, axes, etc
Type: string
Default: none
Options: none, grey, gray, igray, ggplot, bw, linedraw, light, dark, minimal, classic, void, economist, excel, tableau, stata, solarized, ptol, wsj, ggblanket, cx

# view

Specify the starting view of the data
Type: string
Default: canvas
Options: canvas, table, layout