Z-Axis : Z axes parameters

# setMaxZ

Set the maximum value for data in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: null

# setMinZ

Set the minimum value for data in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: null

# zAxis

Name of the samples, groups or variables to be displayed in the Z axis
Type: array
Default: []

# zAxis2Title

Z axis2 title
Type: string
Default: false

# zAxisCeilValue

Value to ceil the data in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: null

# zAxisCurrent

Sample id that is currently displayed in the Z axis. Important when there are more that one series displayed in the graph
Type: integer

# zAxisExact

Flag to force exact values in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: false

# zAxisFloorValue

Value to floor the data in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: null

# zAxisLogTicksColor

Color for the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# zAxisLogTicksLength

Length for the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 8

# zAxisLogTicksLineType

Type of line for the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# zAxisLogTicksShow

Flag to show/hide the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: false

# zAxisLogTicksTransparency

Transparency for the color of the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisLogTicksWidth

Size for the log tick lines in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisShow

Flag to show/hide the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: true

# zAxisTickColor

Color for the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: color
Default: rgb(204,204,204)

# zAxisTickFormat

Z axis format for the tick values in the Z axis. It could be a string with the sprintf format or an array where the first parameter is the sprintf format and the second parameter is a modification applied to the value before is passed to the sprintf function, i.e. ("/1000", "+ 100", etc.)
Type: string
Default: false

# zAxisTickGuideColor

Color for the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: color
Default: rgb(204,204,204)

# zAxisTickGuideLength

Length for the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 5

# zAxisTickGuideLineType

Type of line for the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# zAxisTickGuideShow

Flag to show/hide the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: true

# zAxisTickGuideTransparency

Transparency for the color of the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisTickGuideWidth

Size for the side tick lines indicators in the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisTickLength

Length for the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: float
Default: null

# zAxisTickLineType

Type of line for the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# zAxisTickShow

Flag to show/hide the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: true

# zAxisTickTransparency

Transparency for the color of the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisTickWidth

Size for the tick lines across the Z axis
Type: float
Default: 1

# zAxisTicks

Approx number of tick lines in the Z axis
Type: integer
Default: 10

# zAxisTicksMajorShow

Flag to show/hide major tick lines in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: true

# zAxisTicksMinorShow

Flag to show/hide minor tick lines in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: true

# zAxisTitle

Z axis title
Type: string
Default: false

# zAxisTitleDynamic

Set the title for the Z axis dynamically as it changes when configured by the user
Type: boolean
Default: false

# zAxisTransform

Type of transformation for values in the Z axis
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, log2, log10, exp2, exp10, percentile

# zAxisTransformTicks

Flag to transform the values of the ticks in the Z axis
Type: boolean
Default: false