Chatting with Data

Here are some examples of how to interact with CanvasXpress AI using large language models (LLMs). You can either use the provided datasets or drag and drop your own tab-delimited file into any of the CanvasXpress visualizations (currently shown as data tables for clarity). Simply describe in plain English what you want the visualization to look like, including the column names you want to use.

Examples - Update on a table

  • Boxplot of len groupped by supp and dose showing the original data jittered.
  • Violin plot of len by dose in a vertical orientation. Rotate the sample labels 90 degrees.
  • Bar graph of len color by supp. Orient vertically and show legend on top in two columns.

Examples - Upate on a plot

  • Scatter plot of cty and hwy color by class.
  • Regression plot of cyl and displ.
  • Loess fit of cty and hwy color by class.

Examples - Append on a plot

  • Scatter plot of mpg and wt.
  • Filled contour of mpg and wt.