A combination of a dotplot and a line graph.
<head> <!-- Include the CanvasXpress library in your HTML file --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.canvasxpress.org/dist/canvasXpress.css" type="text/css"/> <script src="https://www.canvasxpress.org/dist/canvasXpress.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- Create a canvas element for the chart with the desired dimensions --> <div> <canvas id="canvasId" width="600" height="600"></canvas> </div> <!-- Create a script to initialize the chart --> <script> // Create the data for the graph var data = { "x" : { "Factor1" : ["Lev : 1","Lev : 2","Lev : 3","Lev : 1","Lev : 2","Lev : 3"], "Factor2" : ["Lev : A","Lev : B","Lev : A","Lev : B","Lev : A","Lev : B"], "Factor3" : ["Lev : X","Lev : X","Lev : Y","Lev : Y","Lev : Z","Lev : Z"], "Factor4" : [5,10,15,20,25,30], "Factor5" : [8,16,24,32,40,48], "Factor6" : [10,20,30,40,50,60] }, "y" : { "data" : [ [5,10,25,40,45,50], [95,80,75,70,55,40], [25,30,45,60,65,70], [55,40,35,30,15,1] ], "desc" : ["Magnitude1","Magnitude2"], "smps" : ["S1","S2","S3","S4","S5","S6"], "vars" : ["V1","V2","V3","V4"] }, "z" : { "Annt1" : ["Desc : 1","Desc : 2","Desc : 3","Desc : 4"], "Annt2" : ["Desc : A","Desc : B","Desc : A","Desc : B"], "Annt3" : ["Desc : X","Desc : X","Desc : Y","Desc : Y"], "Annt4" : [5,10,15,20], "Annt5" : [8,16,24,32], "Annt6" : [10,20,30,40] } } // Create the configuration for the graph var config = { "graphOrientation":"vertical", "graphType":"DotLine", "legendColumns":"2", "legendPosition":"bottom", "lineThickness":"2", "lineType":"spline", "smpTextRotate":"45", "smpTitle":"Collection of Samples", "smpTitleFontStyle":"italic", "subtitle":"Random Data", "theme":"CanvasXpress", "title":"Dot-Line Graphs", "xAxis":[ "V1", "V2" ], "xAxis2":[ "V3", "V4" ], "xAxisGridMajorColor":"rgb(0,0,0)" } // Call the CanvasXpress function to create the graph var cX = new CanvasXpress("canvasId", data, config); </script> </body>
library(canvasXpress) y=read.table("https://www.canvasxpress.org/data/cX-generic-dat.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="", row.names=1, fill=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) x=read.table("https://www.canvasxpress.org/data/cX-generic-smp.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="", row.names=1, fill=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) z=read.table("https://www.canvasxpress.org/data/cX-generic-var.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", quote="", row.names=1, fill=TRUE, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) canvasXpress( data=y, smpAnnot=x, varAnnot=z, graphOrientation="vertical", graphType="DotLine", legendColumns=2, legendPosition="bottom", lineThickness=2, lineType="spline", smpTextRotate=45, smpTitle="Collection of Samples", smpTitleFontStyle="italic", subtitle="Random Data", theme="CanvasXpress", title="Dot-Line Graphs", xAxis=list("V1", "V2"), xAxis2=list("V3", "V4"), xAxisGridMajorColor="rgb(0,0,0)" )