Scatter Plots : General parameters in scatter plots

# cXscatterColor

Color for the scatter cXplots
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# dataLabelBackgroundBorderColor

Color for the border in data labels background
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)

# dataLabelBackgroundBorderLineType

Type of line for the border in data labels background
Type: string
Default: solid
Options: rect, solid, spline, dotted, dashed, dotdash, longdash, twodash

# dataLabelBackgroundBorderSize

Size for the border line in data labels background
Type: float
Default: 0.5

# dataLabelBackgroundColor

Color for the data labels background
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)

# functionColor

Color for the function plots
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# groupingFactorWindow

The width for the data when grouping in Scatter2D plots. This is the analogous parameter to cut_width in R. It defaults to a fifth of the data range. The scatterType must be boxplot to take this parameter into effect
Type: float
Default: false

# isDataLabels

Flag to put a background in data labels
Type: boolean
Default: false

# isDataLabelsBackgroundColor

Flag to use the color in the colorDataLabels as a background in data labels
Type: boolean
Default: false

# scatterAxesEqual

Keep same range in both axes
Type: boolean
Default: false

# scatterContext

Flag to use Scatter2D when the graphType is not but the scatterType is line, bar, dot, area or boxplot
Type: boolean
Default: false

# scatterLineAlpha

Transparency applied to lines in scatter plots
Type: float
Default: 1

# scatterOutlineThreshold

Maximum number of data points before skipping plotting their outline but only the fill color
Type: integer
Default: 50000

# scatterPointAlpha

Thickness applied to data points in scatter plots
Type: float
Default: 1

# scatterType

Type of scatter plot
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, line, bar, dot, area, image, lineImage, lineStep, boxplot, visium, manhattan, manhattanCNV, bin2d, polygon, stream

# showDataLabels

Flag to show/hide the data labels in scatter plots
Type: boolean
Default: false

# showScatterLineOriginalData

Flag to show/hide the observed data points in scatter plots with scatter type line
Type: boolean
Default: false