Kaplan Meier Plots : Parameters used to create kaplan meier curves in 2d scatter plots

# kmCensoredRug

Flag to indicate whether to show the censored data as a rug in Kaplan-Meier plots
Type: boolean
Default: false

# kmConfidenceIntervalType

Confidence intervals type for Kaplan Meier estimates
Type: string
Default: log
Options: ordinary, log, loglog

# kmConfidenceLevel

# kmInvertCensored

Flag to indicate whether zero values are censored or not in Kaplan-Meier plots
Type: boolean
Default: false

# kmTable

Data to show in Kaplan-Meier plots. It must be a numeric factor as it will be aligned to the major ticks in the x Axis
Type: string
Default: false

# showKMConfidenceIntervals

Flag to show/hide the confidence intervals in Kaplan-Meier plots
Type: boolean
Default: true