Events : Event parameters

# broadcast

Flag to enable broadcasting to other canvasXpress objects in the page
Type: boolean
Default: true

# broadcastGroup

Group Id for canvas to broadcast to. If not specified then it broadcasts to all canvases
Type: string
Default: false

# disableBeacon

# disableCanvas

# disableChat

# disableCode

# disableCustomizer

# disableDataFilters

# disableDataTable

# disableDocument

# disableDrag

# disableEvents

# disableKeys

Flag to disable key binding events. This prevent some default browser shortcuts and it is system specific. Please see the Event section bellow
Type: boolean
Default: false

# disableMenu

# disablePlusMinusKeys

# disableShowShortcuts

# disableToolbar

# disableTooltipCallout

# disableUndoRedoKeys

# disableWheel

# disableWindow

Flag to disable resizing the canvas when the window is resized.
Type: boolean
Default: false

# hoverTemplate

# infoTimeIn

Time in milliseconds to start showing info after a mouse over
Type: integer
Default: 50

# infoTimeOut

Time in milliseconds to wait between updates for the mouse over info to show up
Type: integer
Default: 3000

# lazyLoad

# maxItemMenuCheckbox

Maximum number of items in a menu before it becomes a scroll box
Type: integer
Default: 10

# maxSubMenus

# movable

Flag to disable moving the canvas by dragging the mouse from the move image in the toolbar
Type: boolean
Default: true

# playable

Flag to make the plot playable if there are after rendering functions
Type: boolean
Default: false

# resizable

Flag to disable resizing the canvas by dragging the mouse over the edges
Type: boolean
Default: true

# resizableX

Flag to disable resizing the width of the canvas by dragging the mouse over the edges
Type: boolean
Default: true

# resizableY

Flag to disable resizing the height of canvas by dragging the mouse over the edges
Type: boolean
Default: true

# showMousePositionOnDrag

Flag to show/hide the mouse position when dragging in relation to the zero coordinate (top-right) of the canvas
Type: boolean
Default: true

# showPrimaryMenus

# toolbarCodes

Array containing the items in the left toolbar for language code. Options are: JSON, R, Python, Jupyter, Streamlit, Shiny, JSFiddle, CodePen. Leave empty to disable
Type: array
Default: [JSON, R, Python, JSFiddle]

# toolbarFonts

Array containing the items in the right toolbar for font families. Some examples are: American Typewriter, Andale Mono, Arial, Bradley Hand, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Monaco, Optima, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS. Leave empty to disable
Type: array
Default: []

# toolbarItems

Array containing the items in the top toolbar. All items included by default
Type: array
Default: [Save, Chat, History, Table, Tabs, Explore, Lasso, Customize, Password, Maximize]

# toolbarSchemes

Array containing the items in the bottom toolbar for color schemes. Some examples are: Economist, GGPlot, Excel, PaulTol, BlackAndWhite, Solarized, Stata, Tableau, GGBlanket, CanvasXpress. Leave empty to disable
Type: array
Default: [GGPlot, PaulTol, BMS, CanvasXpress]

# toolbarSize

# toolbarType