Error Bars : Error bar and confidence intervals related parameters

# errorBarsColor

Color for the error bars in dotplots and barplots
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)

# errorBarsThickness

# errorBarsType

Type of error bars
Type: string
Default: confidenceInterval95
Options: standardDeviation, standardErrorMean, confidenceInterval95

# errorBarsWidth

Minimum size of the bar in pixels to determine to show or hide error bar ends in the graphs when available
Type: integer
Default: 2

# showErrorBars

Flag to show/hide the error bars in graphs
Type: boolean
Default: true

# standardDeviationType

Type of Standard Deviation. biased uses n as denominator and unbiased uses (n - 1) as denominator where n is the number of values
Type: string
Default: unbiased
Options: biased, unbiased