Data Point Attributes : General attributes for data points in scatter and one dimensional plots

# colorBy

Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to color the variables
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# colorByData

String that identify the object containing a two dimensional array with discrete values used to color data points when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap. It must be located within the data.y object (for example: data.y.data2)
Type: string
Default: false

# colorByShowLegend

# colorKey

Object to assign custom colors to sample annotations and variable annotations included in the data object. The key of the object is the name of an annotation in the data.x object, or the name of an annotation in the data.z object. The value for each key could be either: (1) a scalar with a valid color scheme (see this.meta.def.colorSchemes), or (2) an array with valid colors, or (3) an object to specify custom colors for each of the values of the annotation. A default color will be assigned to a data point whose value was not included the object. CanvasXpress will handle string and numeric annotation approprietly. However, if an object is specified like that one in number (3) the annotation will be treated as categorical even if the annotation is numeric
Type: object
Default: false

# colorLabelBy

Name of the variable annotation to color the labels in Scatter2D plots
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# colorLabelByShowLegend

# colorLegendTitle

# confidenceBy

Name of a variable annotation to color the confidence intervals
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# connectBy

Name of a variable annotation to connect the variables
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# connectByColor

# connectByNoColor

Flag to prevent coloring the lines by the connectBy annotation. Usefull when connectBy is used along with colorBy to avoid confusion of colors
Type: boolean
Default: false

# connectByShowLegend

# connectByWidth

# connectKey

Object to assign custom colors to lines when samples are connected by a sample annotations included in the data object. The key of the object is the name of an annotation in the data.x object. A default connect will be assigned to a data point whose value was not included the object
Type: object
Default: false

# dodgeBy

Name of a sample annotation to dodge the samples of each variable in Bar graphs
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# ellipseBy

Utility to create error ellipses in Scatter plots
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# lineBy

Name of a sample annotation to stack the samples of each variable in Line graphs
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# lineByShowLegend

# markerBy

Utility to create dynamic markers in Map. It must have a latitude and longitude metadata too
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# motionBy

Utility to create dynamic filtering of data in Scatter plots
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# outlineBy

Name of the annotation for the outline when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap
Type: string
Default: false

# outlineByData

String that identify the object containing a two dimensional array with values used to color the outline data points when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap. It must be located within the data.y object (for example: data.y.data4)
Type: string
Default: false

# outlineByShowLegend

# patternBy

Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to pattern the variables. When patternByData is specified patternBy is used for the title in the legend
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# patternByData

String that identify the object containing a two dimensional array with values used to pattern the data points when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap. It must be located within the data.y object (for example: data.y.data4)
Type: string
Default: false

# patternByShowLegend

# patternKey

Object to assign custom patterns to sample annotations and variable annotations included in the data object. The key of the object is the name of an annotation in the data.x object or the name of an annotation in the data.z object. A default pattern will be assigned to a data point whose value was not included the object
Type: object
Default: false

# pieBy

Utility to create pie with a sample annotation
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# plotStyle

Style for some shapes used mainly in boxplot, violin and density plots
Type: string
Default: default
Options: default, ggplot, ggplotSwitched, open, border

# ribbonBy

Name of a sample annotation(s) to create a ribbon of each variable in scatter plots. If a single annotation is passed then it will be used as a standard deviation. If two annotations are passed then, it will be used as upper and lower confidence intervals. Alternatively it could be a pair of arrays witht the actual data. Works in coordination with the lineBy parameter
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# ridgeBy

Utility to create ridgelines in Scatter2D plots
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# sampleShowLegend

# shapeBy

Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to shape the variables. When shapeByData is specified shapeBy is used for the title in the legend
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# shapeByContinuous

Flag to use pie shapes with continuous data as opposed to by binning the data and show regular shapes
Type: boolean
Default: false

# shapeByData

String that identify the object containing a two dimensional array with values used to shape data points when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap. It must be located within the data.y object (for example: data.y.data2)
Type: string
Default: false

# shapeByShape

String that identify the shape to use in regular and multidimensional heatmaps. shapeByData will take precedence over this property
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, sphere, square, triangle, star, rhombus, octagon, oval, plus, minus, mdavid

# shapeByShowLegend

# shapeKey

Object to assign custom shapes to sample annotations and variable annotations included in the data object. The key of the object is the name of an annotation in the data.x object or the name of an annotation in the data.z object. A default shape will be assigned to a data point whose value was not included the object
Type: object
Default: false

# shapeLegendTitle

# sizeBy

Name of a variable annotation or a sample name or the string variable to size the variables. When sizeByData is specified sizeBy is used for the title in the legend
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, variable

# sizeByContinuous

Flag to show the size data continuously as opposed to by binning the sizes
Type: boolean
Default: false

# sizeByData

String that identify the object containing a two dimensional array with values used to size data points when drawing a multidimensional Heatmap. It must be located within the data.y object (for example: data.y.data3)
Type: string
Default: false

# sizeByShowLegend

# sizeKey

Object to assign custom sizes to sample annotations and variable annotations included in the data object. The key of the object is the name of an annotation in the data.x object or the name of an annotation in the data.z object. A default size will be assigned to a data point whose value was not included the object
Type: object
Default: false

# sizeLabelBy

Name of the variable annotation to size the labels in Scatter2D plots
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# sizeLabelByShowLegend

# sizeLegendTitle

# stackBy

Name of a sample annotation to stack the samples of each variable in Bar graphs
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false

# treemapBy

Array of sample annotations to treemap the variables. The array may also include sample to use as last level
Type: array
Default: []

# variableShowLegend