Data Filters : Parameters associated with filtering

# dataFilterWidth

# filterDataBy

Filter data by their value in the data object used in oncoprints. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b43548)

# filterEdgeBy

Filter edges by their properties used in network graphs. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b42330)

# filterFeatureBy

Filter features by their properties used in genome browser. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b43278)

# filterMode

Mode for the legend filters. Can be set to hide the data using transparency or to color the data points with the missingDataColor
Type: string
Default: hide
Options: hide, color

# filterNodeBy

Filter nodes by their properties used in network graphs. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b42168)

# filterSkipNullKeys

Flag to indicate to bypass filtering when a key is non existent in the data objects
Type: boolean
Default: false

# filterSkipNullValues

Flag to indicate to bypass filtering when a value is null
Type: boolean
Default: false

# filterSmpBy

Filter samples by their annotation included in the data.x object used in one dimensional plots. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b41fd0)

# filterType

# filterVarBy

Filter variables by their annotation included in the data.z object used in one dimensional plots. Used in the CanvasXpress UIs
Type: filter
Default: HASH(0x7fe625b41dd8)