Colors : Properties to adjust Colors

Click in graph to show relevant configuration - Click in hashtag to open in new page

# blindnessType

Color Blindness
Type: string
Default: false
Options: false, protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia, monochromatic

# colorScheme

Color schemes can be user defined which will take the colors in the color property or one provided in canvasXpress. The order of the colors will be used to sequentially select when a different color is needed in a particular visualization
Type: string
Default: User
Options: YlGn, YlGnBu, GnBu, BuGn, PuBuGn, PuBu, BuPu, RdPu, PuRd, OrRd, YlOrRd, YlOrBr, Purples, Blues, Greens, Oranges, Reds, Greys, PuOr, BrBG, PRGn, PiYG, RdBu, RdGy, RdYlBu, Spectral, RdYlGn, Accent, Dark2, Paired, Pastel1, Pastel2, Set1, Set2, Set3, Default, Basic, Light, Favorite, Pastel, Balanced, Rpalette, RlatticeBackground, RlatticeShingle, RlatticeLine, RlatticePolygon, Bootstrap, Economist, EconomistBG, Excel, Excel2, Excel3, GGPlot, Solarized, SolarizedBase, PaulTol, ColorBlind, Tableau, TableauGrey, TableauColorBlind, TableauTrafficLight, TableauPurpleGrey, TableauBlueRed, TableauGreenOrange, TableauCyclic, TableauPairSequential, TableauTripleDiverging, WallStreetJournal, WallStreetJournal2, WallStreetJournal3, WallStreetJournalRedGreen, WallStreetJournalBlackGreen, WallStreetJournalDemRep, Stata, Stata2, Stata3, StataMono, BlackAndWhite, CanvasXpress, CanvasXpressT

# colorSpectrum

An array with valid color names to create a color brew for the default color indicators
Type: array
Default: [#4575b4, #91bfdb, #e0f3f8, #ffffbf, #fee090, #fc8d59, #d73027]

# colorSpectrumBinned

Flag to bin the color spectrum based on the colorSpectrumBreaks or the colorSpectrum colors
Type: boolean
Default: false

# colorSpectrumBreaks

An array with numbers in ascending order for the color spectrum to create discontinuous spectra. It must have the same length of the colorSpectrum array for example [0, 0.3, 1]
Type: array
Default: []

# colorSpectrumZeroValue

A value to be at the center of the color spectrum to produce symmetrical heatmaps
Type: float
Default: null

# colors

Type: array
Default: [#fe296c, #487eb6, #a7ce31, #f8cc03, #ff8c02, #699696, #b77844, #83acd0, #c2e076, #fadc5a, #ff549f, #ffaf54, #9ab8b7, #d2a683, #3d699b, #87ac22, #cda908, #d02158, #d07300, #567676]

# evenColor

Color for the even numbers in samples when the property block contrast is set in one dimensional plots or the color for odd number residues in translations in genome plots
Type: color
Default: rgb(245,245,245)

# oddColor

Color for the odd numbers in samples when the property block contrast is set in one dimensional plots or the color for odd number residues in translations in genome plots
Type: color
Default: rgb(255,255,255)