Circular Graphs : General parameters in circular graphs

# arcSegmentsRadius

Array containing the proportion of the radius for each arc segment in the circular plot. If not specified then all radius will be the same. The plot will be scaled based of the largest value in the array
Type: array
Default: []
Used in: Circular

# arcSegmentsSeparation

Number of degrees to separate the arc segments in the circular plots. The arc segments can be set with the segregateSampleBy property
Type: integer
Default: 8
Used in: Circular

# bubbleColor

Color for the Bubbles. Only applicable to the bubble subtype
Type: color
Default: rgba(204,204,204,0.33)
Used in: Circular

# bubbleLabel

Position for the labels in bubble circular plot
Type: string
Default: auto
Options: first, last, all, auto, none
Used in: Circular

# bubbleLabelLineType

Line type when label is away from the bubble
Type: string
Default: arch
Options: line, arch
Used in: Circular

# bubbleLabelPosition

Position for the labels in bubble circular plot
Type: string
Default: center
Options: top, center, down
Used in: Circular

# bubbleOutlineColor

Color for the Outline of bubbles. Only applicable to the bubble subtype
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,0)
Used in: Circular

# chordColor

Color the ribbon according to either the source or the target of the connection
Type: string
Default: source
Options: source, target
Used in: Circular

# chordThickness

Relative length in pixels of the chord thickness in the circular graphs. Only applicable to the chord subtype
Type: integer
Default: 28
Used in: Circular

# circularAnchorColor

Color for the circular anchor
Type: color
Default: rgb(0,0,255)
Used in: Circular

# circularAnchorLength

Length in pixels of the height of the circular anchor
Type: integer
Default: 15
Used in: Circular

# circularAnchors2Align

Position to align the anchors2 in circular plot
Type: string
Default: outside
Options: inside, outside
Used in: Circular

# circularAnchorsAlign

Position to align the anchors in circular plot
Type: string
Default: inside
Options: inside, outside
Used in: Circular

# circularArc

Number of degrees to extend the circular graph
Type: integer
Default: 360
Used in: Circular

# circularCenterProportion

Proportion of the center of the circular graph to use as void; that is the fraction of the radius in the middle of the graph
Type: float
Default: 0.3
Used in: Circular

# circularConnectionsTransparency

Percentage of transparency applied to the connections in the circular graphs
Type: float
Default: 0.5
Used in: Circular

# circularDataPosition

Position to align the data in 2D radial graphs and ideograms
Type: string
Default: distributed
Options: absolute, distributed
Used in: Circular

# circularLabelsAlign

Position to align the variable and sample names in circular plot
Type: string
Default: outside
Options: inside, outside
Used in: Circular

# circularLetterSeparationFactor

Factor to adjust the spacing between letters in the circular graphs. The greater the number the closer the letters in the labels
Type: float
Default: 1.5
Used in: Circular

# circularRotate

Number of degrees to rotate the circular graph to adjust the starting point
Type: integer
Used in: Circular

# circularScalesAlign

Position to align the percent and radial axes in circular plot
Type: string
Default: inside
Options: inside, outside
Used in: Circular

# circularType

Property to set the subtype of circular graph. If set to sunburst or bubble then smpOverlays can be used to build a hierarchy for the graph
Type: string
Default: normal
Options: normal, radar, sunburst, chord, bubble
Used in: Circular

# connections

Array to store connections in circular graphs
Type: array
Default: []
Used in: Circular

# ideogramChromosome

Factor name included in the data.z object used to map to the chromosome number
Type: string
Default: chr
Used in: Circular

# ideogramChromosomePosition

Factor name included in the data.z object used to map to the chromosome position
Type: string
Default: pos
Used in: Circular

# overlayLevelOrientation

Orientation to show the segregation levels
Type: string
Default: circular
Options: perpendicular, circular
Used in: Circular

# rAxis

Radial axis for circular plots. It must be the name of a variable. Only applicable to 2 Dimensional circular plots
Type: string
Default: false
Used in: Circular

# rAxisZero

Flag to force the rAxis property to start from zero otherwise it starts from the minimum value
Type: boolean
Default: false
Used in: Circular

# ringGraphType

Array containing the graph type for each ring in the circular plot
Type: array
Default: []
Used in: Circular

# ringGraphWeight

Array containing the proportion of the dimensions for each data ring in the circular plot. It must be a value between 0.1 and 1. If not specified then all ring will be weighted the same
Type: array
Default: []
Used in: Circular

# ringSeparation

Number of pixels to separate the rings in the circular plots
Type: integer
Default: 5
Used in: Circular

# ringsOrder

Array containing the order of the rings. The array includes the levels of the factor specified as either segregateSamplesBy when show the ideogram or segregateVariablesBy when there is no ideogram. It may also include any of the following terms: dendrogram, ideogram, labels, scale, percent and data. If there are sample overlays, the array may also contain any of the factor names include in the object. This array supersede any other configurations for example for the sample overlays. CanvasXpress will honored all other configurations if left empty
Type: array
Default: []
Used in: Circular

# showCircularConnections

Flag to show/hide the connections in circular graphs
Type: boolean
Default: true
Used in: Circular

# smpLabelOrientation

Orientation to show the sample names
Type: string
Default: perpendicular
Options: perpendicular, circular
Used in: Circular